Monday, January 7, 2013

The Consistency of Christ

Sometimes the only seemingly consistent thing in this world is inconsistency. Events often happen that change my course of life- both positive and negative. A recent positive change is the birth of our daughter! A "negative" is the countless times I have already failed in attempt to make my day run smoothly with an ever-growing 4-month old :) I have obtained the bad habit of babying her to the point where she is a tad spoiled and knows it! (First-time Momma Syndrome, as I call it.) So while time passed waiting for the New Years Eve ball to drop, I asked my sister and mother for the un-sugarcoated truth of how to undo what has been done. The advice given was real, but Oh how I was going to have to fake it, in order to pull it off. The last thing I wanted to do was let Baby cry it out, or let her go minutes before tending to her every whimper! As I attempted, my heart shattered with every scream, and broke with every bellow of anger she started to gain. My intelligent infant KNEW she was not getting her way anymore, and that really annoyed her. BUT, as a few days have passed, she is napping better during the day, and sleeping better at night! (Waking up 2-4 times, oppose to 7 or 8!) So this afternoon, I look at the clock amazed that she has been napping for over 2 hours (which normally has been 1/2 hour naps.) The advice was WORKING! Through the tough and trying times, being consistent has started to pay off! *Cheers of joy*

Then it dawned on me how we never have to put any effort into knowing how consistent the Lord is to us. We do not have to put Him on a schedule or wonder if He will give us the time we desire, when we desire it. Jesus is ALWAYS there; faithful and true! I thank Him for loving us with an unchanging love, even when we act like stubborn babies! While pregnant, I was told how parents have a purest type of love for their children, but that doesn't even begin to compare to the love God has for us- His children. Today when I mess up, I can go to God in humility; tomorrow when I have a successful moment, I can go to the same God in thankfulness. And all the moments in between, I can make prayer requests, and seek wisdom in His Word! ALL THE TIME is the perfect time to seek God! Praise Christ for His consistency in loving us, reproofing us, and caring for us as one lost sheep that needs HIM to find the way- the Only way.

" content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." [Hebrews 13:5b]